A science-based approach to policy-making

Center for Advanced Governance

Conducting research and helping organizations and government bodies implement evidence-based decision-making strategies.

Collecting and analyzing data.
Researching the best global practices and testing out new approaches.

About us

Key objectives of CAG

Our research
Our key question to answer is this: how to improve the quality of decision-making under the existing institutional conditions.
Our projects
Research Data Infrastructure (RDI)
Research Data Infrastructure (RDI, available at data-in.ru) acts as a mediator between researchers and data holders.

This platform gives researchers access to detailed, previously unpublished government and society data, making it easier to work with open data. All datasets are compiled and structured to be easily accessed by researchers and data analysts.
Data events
We organize hackathons, contests and meetups in cooperation with data holders.

Data visualization experts, developers, product designers, machine learning specialists, researchers and data analysts are working with RDI data to come up with meaningful solutions.
Library for Evidence-Based Policy Making (in Russian)
Evidence-based policy-making is an idea proposing that policy decisions should be based on rigorously established experimental research and data.

We have compiled a library of the best examples and practices of evidence-based policy making in Russian. Our library also includes public talks and other information that will help you get acquainted with evidence-based policy making approaches.
Digital maturity assessment
A comprehensive evaluation of companies, educational institutions and government bodies.

Our team presents case studies that help us estimate growth potential, detect areas of development and come up with digital transformation strategies.
Digitalization academy
A course developed in cooperation with the Legal Academy that deals with digital policy-making.

The course includes lectures presented by researchers, attorneys and experts on the ways policy-making and legal regulation adapt to the needs of modern society. It also considers possible ways to develop a digitalized legal sphere.
CEO of Center for Advanced Governance
Maria Shklyaruk